Good VS Evil...... Sorta

on Friday, April 4, 2008

I sit here at my desk in the office and I'm thinking of the week that has passed.

Trying to think of all the things that happned this week but the only thing I can seem to think of is all the bad things that happned this week. It's funny how the the human minds works. One tends to lean more to all the negative things that happned throughout the week rather than to focus on the positive things that happned. It's like a constant internal battle with oneself...

Good VS Evil...

Everyday I am faced with my past which is just getting a bit boring now. Faced with pain and the thoughts of things that I wish could just pass and be over with. Guess it will only be over and done with once I face all my demons face-to-face.

I have alot to be thankfull for. I didn't realise that fully until 2 weeks ago. I don't know why it took me so long to realise it but I finally did and I am thankful. I realised it the hard way but I'm thankful I did. Rather later than never realising it...

Anyway... Back to work I go...


JCLL said...

Hectic...Moenie so hard op jouself wees nie. Things have a wonderful way of working itself out. Daar is oral mense om jou om mee te praat.

Jy is gorgeous