.... and the past comes to bite me in the ass

on Monday, April 21, 2008

Am I being tested today? Is temptation lurking in the background and trying to make me fall off this narrow bridge I am on?

Hell yeah!

People from my past are all of a sudden reappearing and trying to find some way to get back in. Just when I finally forgot about them they just reappear out of thin air and make their prescence felt. Should I give them another chance? A part of me says yes but then another part tell me to think about what they have done.. I also thought about it and has any good come out of getting involved with these people and no. No good has come out of hanging with these people.. Will I give them another chance? Only time will tell...

So happy today... Don't ask me why. I am always this morbid person but since Saturday I found that I am unbelievably happy. The people you surround yourself with reflects who you are going to end up being. I intend on surrounding myself with people who will bring out the positive in me and not just the negative. It's good being naughty every once in a while BUT everything in moderation.

Nothing can bring me down baby! Not today! Not ever!