Acting on impulses....

on Monday, April 14, 2008

Well Sunday was eventfull... Alot of things happned on Sunday... Some of which I liked and some which I didn't like so muc... Take the pic above.... That is me after I took a hair iron to my head and attempted to straightned my hair..... I got tired of that look because I don't have an hour everyday just to get my hair straight... Then I remembered that we had clippers in our house.... After searching for about an hour I finally found it and probably did one of the stupidest thing I could ever do and it was entirely in impulse.... I cut my own hair.... I did a Britney people... No, I am not insane although it sometimes feel like I am.... Anyway the pic is below...

My new look... For now at least..... God only knows what I will do next to my hair... Might go blonde... Guess we will have to see about that...