Just in general …

on Monday, June 29, 2009

This is just a random note of things I though about whilst driving home tonight and this applies to ANYONE who wants to be part of my life in any form whether it be a partner or friend ...

1) If your an ex of mine actually make sure that I give a flying fuck about the song you dedicate to me and don't make an asshole of yourself. Make sure you can actually sing before you think of climbing onto a stage and singing a song by Kelly Clarkson because fuck knows you have messed so many songs up that I find it hard to listen to music these days because your screechy voice is all I hear.

2) If you enter a beauty competition don't come fucking tell me about your insecurities! I just don't care! I have my own issues and listening to your little petty insecurities will just make me enter that exact competition and kick your ass after which I will say "SUCK IT"

3) Don't ever back stab me. I will find out and I will fuck you up. Maybe not physically but hey, I got a mean mother fucking mouth!

4) If you want to belittle and talk shit about your peers make sure that I don't have the fucking letter where you talk about them because they will not like it (this ties in with number 2)

5) If you want to impress me don't even fucking try because you will piss me off! Just be yourself. It's all I ask. Can't seem to understand why people feel they must be someone else to get approval! No wonder that fucking bi-polar excuse is used so often these days! People are so confused they lost themselves and what to they blame "oh I might have a case of bi-polar"! Bitch please go tell that to someone who cares.

6) If you want to complain to me about being single, again DON'T. I am single as well and I bitch enough about it. I have been single for the past 7 months (excluding the 2 minor hiccups) and only find an issue with being single on cold nights. Like I always said and always will say - the right one will come when it is necessary - when you go looking for love then the only thing you will find is heart ache.

7) If your intentions are just - and to put this bluntly - to FUCK ME then it was nice knowing you but there is the door! If you're under 21 then NO I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!! I don't want to help you figure out life. I'm doing it myself and I am not your teacher! If you possess a thing we call an IQ then come again and see where it goes!

8) People respect you more when you don't make an ass of yourself so don't be a drunken slut and try and flirt with everything that has two legs and a penis. Sure we're men and we're horny most of the time but good grief put some ice on it!

9) If your going to replace me (this only applies to exes) then please make sure that the person that you are going to date at least looks a little better than me. I know it's too much too ask but for fuck sakes please just try - in my dictionary settling for second best is called DESPERATION!

10) Clubs aren't the end of the world. People there are more to life than clubs & drugs & being promiscuous! It's called decent friends & good conversation - why would you waste your hard earned money on a useless night of yelling at other people because the music is so loud and getting so shit faced drunk for something that only lasts 3 hours. If you find yourself in the predicament that you can't remember please look for help because that bullshit just doesn't exist! Amnesia from drinking?! Go fuck yourself rather!

So ya - am a bit pissed as I sit here... Just something I had to share - like it or not - this is me ...